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The Ultimate Driving Guide For Different Lives

When it comes to choosing the perfect lease car for you, there’s much more to consider than just fuel consumption, exterior design or body colour. What you consider to be your dream car will come down to where you are in your life, how the vehicle is going to be used, who your passengers are going to be, and where you’re going to be driving it.

Which is why, to help you pinpoint your ideal ride, we’ve launched a series of Select Car Leasing guides covering the best sorts of cars to consider according to your life stage, lifestyle, and location.

Read on to find your own perfect leasing fit!

Driving Through Different Life Stages

A learner driver is likely to crave a very different sort of lease vehicle to someone who is newly-retired and looking for weekend thrills.

If you’ve got a busy family to look after, your leasing choice might be dictated by the car’s ability to transport the kids to swimming lessons or weekend sports.

Or you might be an ‘empty nester’ - someone whose children have grown up and left home - who has extra disposable income to secure the lease car they’ve always dreamed of.

Importantly, you'll need to consider how long your current lifestage will remain the same, and therefore how long your lease will fit your lifestage needs!

Browse our Lifestage Guides! Latest Car Lease Deals!

Driving to Suit Your Lifestyle

Choosing the best lease car for you is all about making sure it fits in with your lifestyle.

A two-seat convertible just won’t work if you need to ferry the kids to sports practice each weekend.

Likewise, a regular two-wheel drive hatchback might not be able to cope if you get out into the wilds and off the beaten track each weekend.

You might also have a hobby that requires you to haul lots of bulky or heavy items - in which case a large SUV, or even pick-up truck, might be better suited to your needs.

Browse our Lifestyle Guides! Latest Car Lease Deals!

Driving In Different Locations

A hot-hatch with firm sports suspension is fantastic for smooth, fast roads, but might come unstuck when faced with pot-holed backroads or even unsurfaced lanes in the British countryside. 

That’s why your choice of vehicle might be dictated by where you live.

A rugged four-wheel drive off-roader can cope with the demands of the wilder parts of the UK, and will be just as comfortable on the school run.

And if you plan to cover lots of motorway miles, you’ll need a serene, safe and fuel-efficient car to help you go the distance.

Browse our Location Guides! Latest Car Lease Deals!

If you’re confused or unsure about any aspect of leasing a car, give the Select Car Leasing team a call0118 920 5130